Creativity is booming
The world was in lockdown and people were stuck at home, confined, and restricted, well at least physically anyway. The powers that be may wanted us to isolate and distance ourselves from our fellow beings on this planet, but did it really work? As beings we are naturally creative, whether that be for good or bad. But for this blog let us focus on the good. So as creative beings, are we not all artists in one way or another?
Before lockdown, are minds were distracted by going to work, the school run, endless boring meetings, commuting (the list is endless) and taking us away from ourselves, and that creative mind that resides in all of us. But then, in lockdown and our mind was free at last, able to be expand and be more creative. It was not being distracted by all those idols that we chase.
Online garden centres reported record sales, art supply sales appeared to be out of stock all the time (especially white paint) and DIY sales rocketed. That’s just a small example of commercial products used by beings to express their creativity. So, let us image all these beings at home, supposedly isolated from their brothers and sisters, all connected through creativity, creating art, doing their gardens, making home improvements, and connecting with loved ones through creative meaningful activities.
During lockdown, I switched off from mainstream media, ceased rushing around from pillar to post and quieted my mind, allowing all the energy that was used up with modern western life and putting it into being creative and positive. It has been reported that there has been an all-time high in people resigning from their jobs in since 2020. Is this not a result of people looking at their lives and seeing what they do not want anymore and doing something about it; that is creativity at its best.